Monday, 5 September 2011

Tongue split update!

So, it's been just over a week since I had my tongue split, and it appears to be completely healed! The last stitch dropped out Friday afternoon, and it actually feels much better without them pulling and without being able to feel them floating about when I drink.. Ugh.. I can eat perfectly normally, and my talking is pretty much fine.. I only get a bit slurred with the letter 'N'.

The worst day by far was the second day, when I was swallowing so much saliva I was being sick and it was swollen and painful, and that was the only day when I though "Oh god, what if it doesn't get any better!" But the next day I woke up feeling much better and it's only improved since then! The craziest thing is that a blister on my heel from the day before I had the split has actually taken longer to heal!

Despite what other people said, I was able to eat little things like chips from the start, and by the 3rd day was able to eat proper meals, which I think probably aided my healing no end. My boyfriend was unable to eat or a while with his, which I think may have left his body struggling to heal his split.

I have some screenshots from the split... Some of them are horrendously gory as my boyfriend was zoomed right in and you can see the scalpel doing it's thing in great detail. A bit weird watching it when it's your own tongue, but interesting to be able to associate the things I was feeling with what was going on... I'll upload some of the fresh pics and a pic from now it's healed up once I'm home.

Lastly, on a bit of a tangent, this girl is apparently doing well on X Factor. Good to see a pretty alternative girl doing well. I hope she goes far in the show and they don't try and change her look, as the Daily Mail claims.

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