Tuesday, 30 August 2011

A little news roundup


Another mod-related story from The Sun, saying how Peaches Geldof hates all the tattoos she's had done. She claims she started getting tattooed at 14, so this really goes to show why kids need to wait a few years until they're 18.
But it does reinforce a stereotype that everyone who gets tattooed will 'regret it when they're older'. My Mum often used to say this to me, as a lot of her friend's got tattooed because it was fashionable to have a butterfly or dolphin back then, and now regret it. However, obviously this isnt always the case, and I know lots of people who love every tattoo they have, even their dodgy first tattoos, because of the memories behind them!

Also, the story below was linked from the story about Peaches' tatts, and it really does seem grossly unfair. Must have been a slow news day for them to publish a whole story about how she was wearing a nose ring that they think looks ugly... I personally think she looks fine, and I feel quite sorry for her getting so much stick over her appearance. Another article mentions her 'ample curves', implying that she's fat, when in reality she's a perfectly normal shape.


The Daily Mail are also reporting on mod-related things today, with a strange article on a Vogue fashion shoot.
I'm not quite sure what angle they're taking. It actually seems unusually open-minded from The Mail...
Personally I think it's an interesting shoot and the model looks very pretty. I wouldn't call it 'shock tactics', just a photographer taking inspiration from an interesting character..

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